Angela Rodall, Realtor®
2209 South Danville
Abilene, Tx 79605
(325) 370-8800
I am a lifelong resident of Abilene, Texas, having completed my education within the Abilene Independent School District. My academic journey led me to Howard College in Big Spring, Texas, where I pursued Business Administration. Additionally, I honed my skills as a legal professional through training at the American Commercial College, specializing as a legal secretary. For over two decades, I dedicated myself to various roles within the legal field, contributing as a legal assistant and within court systems. With a wealth of experience, I transitioned to administration in the real estate sector, where I have thrived for six years. With enjoying being in the real estate industry as administration, I obtained my real estate license marking a significant milestone in my career. Motivated and proactive, I am passionate about initiating new endeavors. Family holds immense importance in my life, and I find fulfillment in community engagement. My commitment to integrity and treating others with respect underscores my professional ethos. People-centric, I derive joy from assisting others, fostering smiles, and contributing to community development. In essence, I am driven by a genuine love for people and a steadfast commitment to aiding others in achieving their goals and dreams.
Texas Law Requires all Agents to Provide Information about Brokerage Services:
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Never trust wiring instructions sent by email. Cyber criminals are hacking email accounts and sending emails with fake wiring instructions. These emails are convincing and sophisticated. Always independently confirm wiring instructions in person or via a telephone call to a trusted and verified phone number (don’t confirm using the number provided in the email). Never wire money without double-checking that the wiring instructions are correct.